ACER griseum - Maple, Paperbark
Young stems are rich brown to reddish brown. Second year wood gives way to beautiful cinnamon brown....More info
ACER palmatum - Japanese Maple, Green
Palmate, bright green foliage. One of the hardiest. Best Japanese maple for fall color, red to brigh...More info
ABIES balsamea - Fir, Balsam
Grown as a popular Christmas tree and used for large screens. Fragrant, soft foliage. Good for natur...More info
ABIES balsamea 'Nana' - Fir, Dwarf Balsam
Slow-growing, dense and compact globe. Very hardy. Good for limited spaces. Do not over water. Most ...More info
ABIES concolor - Fir, White
Used as specimen or for screens. Upper branches point upward, lower ones horizontal or downward. Lon...More info
ABIES fraseri - Fir, Fraser
Used as specimen, screen plant, and Christmas tree. Sweetly fragrant needles....More info
BUXUS 'Green Gem' - Boxwood, Green Gem
Compact, rounded. Slow growing, uniform in shape and requires little or no maintenance. Hardy select...More info
BUXUS 'Green Mountain' - Boxwood, Green Mountain
Forms a perfect wide pyramid with an upright habit to 5-6' tall and 3' wide, and has small dark gree...More info
BUXUS 'Green Velvet' - Boxwood, Green Velvet
Hybrid which displays compactness, hardiness, and good leaf color, even in winter. Vigorous grower. ...More info
BUXUS 'NewGen Freedom' - Boxwood, NewGen Freedom
New introduction touting resistance to boxwood blight and leafminer. Vigorous upright growth stays g...More info
BUXUS sempervirens - Boxwood, Common
A dense multi-stem shrub or small tree, useful for hedges or as a specimen. Keep away from drying wi...More info
AESCULUS parviflora - Buckeye, Bottlebrush
8-12" long erect white panicles in July-August. Fragrance similar to that of a Gardenia. Good yellow...More info
AESCULUS pavia - Buckeye, Red
Bright red to orange-red flowers are irresistible to hummingbirds and butterflies. Foliage can becom...More info
ALNUS incana - Alder, Speckled
Forms dense thickets bordering wetlands and along streams; does an excellent job preventing erosion....More info
ARONIA melanocarpa - Chokeberry, Black
Similar to ‘Brilliantissima’, but leaves and stems are glabrous and the fruit is blackish-purple. Ni...More info
BUDDLEIA 'Pugster Blue' - Butterfly Bush, Pugster Blue
Full sized blooms on a dwarf plant! Purple flowers with an amber eye. Continual blooming from early ...More info
BUDDLEIA 'Pugster Pinker' - Butterfly Bush, Pugster Pinker
Large, chunky blossoms on a dwarf plant. Flowers are rich pink with a small orange eye. Improved win...More info
CALYCANTHUS floridus - Sweetshrub
Unique reddish-brown flowers have excellent fruity fragrance. Shiny green foliage remains clean with...More info
CALYCANTHUS x 'Venus' - Sweetshrub, Venus
An upright growing habit. Blooms late Spring through July with 3-4" wide, white, fragrant, Magnolia-...More info
CAMPSIS radicans - Vine, Trumpet
Fast-growing vine. Trumpet-shaped flowers in mid-summer, which hummingbirds love. Attractive, finely...More info
CEANOTHUS americanus - New Jersey Tea
Compact, dense rounded shrub with clusters of tiny white flowers in summer. Well suited for planting...More info
AZALEA arborescens - Azalea, Sweet
Deciduous summer blooming. A nice naturalizing azalea with fragrant white to light pink flowers in J...More info
AZALEA 'Arneson Gem' - Azalea, Arneson Gem
This deciduous Azalea is a prize amongst it's peers. A wonderful plant with large orange-yellow flow...More info
AZALEA atlanticum - Azalea, Coastal
Deciduous spring blooming. Fragrant white flowers blushed with pink appear with or just before the l...More info
AZALEA calendulaceum - Azalea, Flame
Deciduous summer blooming. Large trusses of lemon-yellow to apricot flowers in May and June. Upright...More info
AZALEA canescens - Azalea, Piedmont
Deciduous spring blooming. Pale pink to white flowers are attractive to hummingbirds and swallowtail...More info
AZALEA 'Gibraltar' - Azalea, Gibraltar
Deciduous spring blooming. Bright orange flowers. Upright growth. Enormous flower trusses before lea...More info
AZALEA 'Golden Lights' - Azalea, Golden Lights
Deciduous spring blooming. Hardy to -40° F. Golden yellow flowers. Attracts butterflies and hummingb...More info
AZALEA 'Hino-Crimson' - Azalea, Hino Crimson
Evergreen spring blooming. Compact growth. Brilliant red flowers in May. Dark red foliage in fall....More info
AZALEA 'Innocence' - Azalea, Innocence
Deciduous summer blooming. Heavy flowering with very fragrant small white blossoms. Vigorous and wid...More info
AZALEA 'Klondyke' - Azalea, Klondyke
Deciduous spring blooming. Mildew-resistant foliage is bronze when emerging, contrasting nicely with...More info
AZALEA 'Lemon Drop' - Azalea, Lemon Drop
Deciduous summer blooming. Upright vigorous grower. Peach buds open to pale yellow flowers with a sl...More info
AZALEA 'Lemon Lights' - Azalea, Lemon Lights
Deciduous spring blooming. Hardy to -40° F. Yellow flowers with a lighter shade of yellow on the out...More info
AZALEA 'Lollipop' - Azalea, Lollipop
Deciduous summer blooming. Fragrant light pink flowers have a yellow throat. Mid-June blooms mature ...More info
APPLE 'Cortland' - Apple, Cortland
Bright red, excellent for cooking and fresh eating. Late September. Semi-dwarf....More info
APPLE 'Empire' - Apple, Empire
Cross of 'McIntosh' and 'Red Delicious' lands its flavor right in the middle between sweet and tart....More info
APPLE 'Freedom' - Apple, Freedom
Medium to large red fruit, similar to McIntosh. Fruit matures in Mid July. Good dessert apple....More info
APPLE 'Fuji' - Apple, Fuji
Red, crisp, and sweet. Great for eating and baking. Late October. Semi-dwarf....More info
APPLE 'Gravenstein' - Apple, Gravenstein
Green-red mottled skin with a tart flavor. Old fashioned variety preferred for apple sauce and cide...More info
APPLE 'Honeycrisp' - Apple, Honeycrisp
Very crisp, and juicy. Bred in Minnesota for northern climates, Honeycrisp was selected for it's exp...More info
APPLE 'Liberty' - Apple, Liberty
Dark red fruit ripens early October. Good dessert apple. Semi-dwarf, grows 10-15'....More info
ASIMINA triloba - Pawpaw, Common
Purple flowers in early May are not particularly showy, but certainly are unique. Dense pyramidal or...More info
BLACKBERRY 'Baby Cakes' - Blackberry, Baby Cakes
Thornless dwarf blackberry that produces fruit in summer. In most regions, will produce a second yie...More info
BLUEBERRY 'Legacy' - Blueberry, Legacy
Large, firm, sweet fruit was bred for superior flavor and consistently high yields. Late ripening ex...More info
LAMIUM 'Pink Pewter' - Dead Nettle, Pink Pewter
Heart-shaped silver leaves with narrow green edges. Small light pink flowers bloom mid spring, and c...More info
LAMIUM 'Shell Pink' - Dead Nettle, Shell Pink
Green leaves with a white stripe down the center. Soft pink flowers. Great for planting in shady are...More info
LAMIUM 'White Nancy' - Dead Nettle, White Nancy
Trailing habit makes this a great selection for planting under trees. Silvery-white leaves with a th...More info
LIATRIS spicata - Gayfeather
Multiple spikes of fuzzy lavender flowers. Blooms July to September. Attracts butterflies....More info
LIGULARIA 'Othello' - Leopard Plant, Othello
Large, rounded, toothed leaves emerge dark purple and fade to green through the heat of the summer. ...More info
LIGULARIA 'Pandora' - Leopard Plant, Pandora
Dwarf; Glossy, dark purple foliage matures to deep olive green. Daisy-like, yellow flowers bloom on ...More info
LIGULARIA 'The Rocket' - Leopard Plant, The Rocket
Up to 5' golden yellow flower spikes arise above large, deeply serrated leaves. Stems of leaves and ...More info
LIRIOPE spicata - Lilyturf, Creeping
More cold hardy than other Lilyturf. Good spreading ground cover with narrow green foliage....More info
LOBELIA cardinalis - Cardinal Flower
Brilliant scarlet flowers create a stunning display in the landscape or at water's edge. NATIVE....More info